Topic outline


    Welcome to Top Level Trainers Course. 

    My name is Akindele Akinyinka Tosin and i will be your teacher for this course. 

    This Course will contain several activities and you are expected to participate actively


    Programming is a way of instructing the computer to perform various tasks. These instructions are written in a language that the computer understands. Just like Ethiopians can understand Amharic, Somalia understand Somali, Kenyans and Ugandans understand Swahili, so is the case with computers. Computers understand instructions that are written in a specific syntax called a programming language.

    In this study unit, you will be taught how to install Anaconda and how to navigate through Notebook. You will also get to know expressions, data types and how to perform basic arithmetical and logical operations

  • STUDY UNIT 2 - Introduction To String Manipulation And Data Structure

    Welcome to Study Unit 2

    Apart from different data types such as integer, float, string and Boolean, Python also has a data structure that includes a list, tuple, set, and dictionary. Data structures are a collection of data elements that are structured in some manner and are the core of the Python programming language.

    In this study unit, you will learn string manipulation and data structure in Python.
  • STUDY UNIT 3: Introduction to Digital Technology

    Even though it is probably true that most literate people have at one time or the other used or encountered a computer in their everyday tasks, a lot of these users still misconstrue what exactly a computer is. Most times, people do imply or perceive that a computer is just a laptop or desktop, but a computer is much more than this. In this Study Session, you will get to know what exactly a computer is and what it entails. With the increasing use of computers and new technologies emerging every day. Computers come with a bunch of digital tools and applications and it is expected that every user should be able to use these tools proficiently. This Study Session covers the basic knowledge and skills expected of a beginner that is just starting to use computers for their everyday task.
  • STUDY UNIT 4: FAIR Data Management

    Welcome to FAIR Data Management module,

    In this module, you will learn what Data Management is and why we need Data Management Plans in research, how FAIR Data Principles can facilitate the way we create, store and maintain data throughout data life cycle.

    This module has 3 Study Units: (i) Research Data Management, (ii) FAIR Data Principles in Data Management and (iii) FAIR Data Management Plan. You will learn what kind of questions you need to refer to make a good Data Management Plan and which tools you might use for creating a FAIR Data Management Plan? Along with this, you will practice creating a FAIR data management plan yourself.

  • STUDY UNIT -5 community health course

    dear all students welcome to the community health course I hope this course will help you to understand more about the course 

    by end of the community health introduction participants will be able to:

    1. Understand the concept of Health and diseases.
    2. Describe primary health care services.
    3. Define the components of a health system, their links and relationships to the linkages between Health Systems, Health systems strengthening, Universal Health Coverage, and SDGs.
    4. Understand essential package of health service.